Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Plano 125 Show

Plano Art Association 125 Show

This photo was taken before the show started. The gallery was pretty full of people once the show was underway. I was sitting in my wheelchair in a quiet moment, when my wheelchair moved forward a little. I looked around to see that a little boy had pushed my wheelchair, and his mother began to apologize. I told her I didn't mind at all. At that point the little boy climbed up and sat on my lap. I said, "Well, if you are going to sit here we are going for a ride." I took him for a ride around the gallery, weaving in and out between the groups of people. He seemed to greatly enjoy it. When we stopped, before he went back to his mother he gave me a hug. She told me he is autistic. She also said "He likes you." Sometimes when we meet people in this world it is only for a brief moment, but there is a connection. For a moment I got to fill the role of grandfather to this special boy. I thank God for moments like this.

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